
Embedded Systems Software

Embedded System Hardware

Embedded systems can be perceived differently depending on one's background and perspective. For those working with servers, an application developed for a phone may be considered an embedded system.

On the other hand, individuals familiar with coding for small 8-bit microprocessors may not view systems with an operating system as truly embedded.

To explain embedded systems to non-technical individuals, it can be described as software-running devices like microwaves and automobiles that are not typically recognized as computers.

Due to their compact size, low cost, and simple design, embedded systems have become increasingly popular and integrated into various aspects of human life. They are omnipresent, ranging from kitchenware to spacecraft. Here are a few illustrations to emphasize this idea:

Embedded systems have permeated all facets of modern life, and numerous examples highlight their usage -

  • Biomedical Instrumentation:

    ECG Recorder, Blood cell recorder, patient monitor system

  • Communication systems:

    Pagers, cellular phones, cable TV terminals, fax and transceivers, video games, etc.

  • Peripheral controllers of a computer:

    Keyboard controller, DRAM controller, DMA controller, Printer controller, LAN controller, disk drive controller

  • Industrial Instrumentation:

    Process controller, DC motor controller, robotic systems, CNC machine controller, closed-loop engine controller, industrial moisture recorder cum controller

  • Scientific:

    Digital storage system, CRT display controller, spectrum analyzer

Embedded Systems in real world
An embedded system combines computer hardware and software, and potentially additional mechanical or electronic parts, designed to fulfill a specific function.
An embedded system is a purpose-built computerized system for a specific application.

The complexity of embedded systems varies greatly, ranging from a single microcontroller to a suite of processors with interconnected peripherals and networks. It can involve a minimal user interface or a complex graphical user interface.

The level of complexity depends on the intended task for which the system is designed.

Historically, embedded systems were programmed by hardware designers who possessed a deep understanding of the intricate details of their latest creations. With the advent of microprocessors as controllers, it became natural for digital engineers to design and code simple sequencers.

Types of Embedded Systems

Embedded systems can be classified into different types based on performance, functional requirements, and performance of the microcontroller.

types of embedded systems

Based on their performance and functional requirements -

  • Real Time

    A real-time embedded system is defined as, a system that gives a required o/p in a particular time. These types of embedded systems follow the time deadlines for the completion of a task. Real-time embedded systems are classified into two types such as soft and hard real-time systems.

  • Standalone

    Stand-alone embedded systems do not require a host system like a computer, it works by themselves. It takes the input from the input ports either analog or digital and processes, calculates, and converts the data and gives the resulting data through the connected device-Which either controls, drives, and displays the connected devices. Examples of stand-alone embedded systems are mp3 players, digital cameras, video game consoles, microwave ovens, and temperature measurement systems.

  • Networked

    These types of embedded systems are related to a network to access the resources. The connected network can be LAN, WAN, or the internet. The connection can be wired or wireless. This type of embedded system is the fastest-growing area in embedded system applications. The embedded web server is a type of system wherein all embedded devices are connected to a web server and accessed and controlled by a web browser. An example of the LAN networked embedded system is a home security system wherein all sensors are connected and run on the protocol TCP/IP.

  • Mobile

    Mobile embedded systems are used in portable embedded devices like cell phones, mobiles, digital cameras, mp3 players and personal digital assistants, etc. The basic limitation of these devices is the other resources and limitation of memory.

Based on the performance of the microcontroller -

  • Small Scale

    These types of embedded systems are designed with a single 8 or 16-bit microcontroller, that may even be activated by a battery. For developing embedded software for small-scale embedded systems, the main programming tools are an editor, assembler, cross assembler, and integrated development environment (IDE).

  • Medium Scale

    These types of embedded systems are designed with a single or 16 or 32-bit microcontroller, RISCs, or DSPs. These types of embedded systems have both hardware and software complexities. For developing embedded software for medium-scale embedded systems, the main programming tools are C, C, JAVA, Visual C, RTOS, debugger, source code engineering tool, simulator, and IDE.

  • Sophisticated

    These types of embedded systems have enormous hardware and software complexities, that may need ASIPs, IPs, PLAs, and scalable or configurable processors. They are used for cutting-edge applications that need hardware and software Co-design and components which have to assemble in the final system.

Embedded Micro Systems

Embedded microsystems refer to microcontroller-based systems that are widely utilized in various industries for accomplishing specific tasks. These systems can run software in a single-threaded, bare-metal application or integrate minimalist real-time operating systems.

Embedded microsystems have gained significant popularity in industrial manufacturing, where they are extensively employed in everyday embedded systems.

Embedded Micro Systems

In the past, the embedded market was dominated by 8-bit microcontrollers. Their simple design made them suitable for small applications with predefined tasks.

However, with the evolution of 32-bit microcontrollers, which offer a wider range of capabilities within similar price, size, and power consumption parameters, 8-bit microcontrollers have been surpassed for most embedded system use cases.

Currently, 8-bit microcontrollers are primarily found in educational platform kits. These kits serve as valuable resources for hobbyists and newcomers, providing an introduction to software development on electronic devices.

Embedded Linux Systems

Embedded Linux systems constitute a significant segment of the embedded market, offering devices with ample power and resources to run a variant of the GNU/Linux operating system.

The design and integration of components in these systems require different strategies to ensure optimal performance and functionality.

Embedded Linux Systems

A typical hardware platform capable of running a Linux-based system features a generous amount of RAM, often extending up to several gigabytes, and sufficient onboard storage to accommodate the software components provided in a GNU/Linux distribution.

Furthermore, to enable Linux's memory management to allocate separate virtual address spaces to each process, the hardware must be equipped with a memory management unit (MMU).

The MMU, a hardware component, aids the operating system in dynamically translating physical addresses to virtual addresses and vice versa during runtime.

This class of devices possesses characteristics that can be considered overkill for building tailored solutions. Such solutions can benefit from a simpler design, leading to reduced production costs for individual units.

Hardware manufacturers and chip designers have extensively researched new techniques to enhance the performance of microcontroller-based systems.

This research has yielded a new generation of platforms in the past decade, aiming to reduce hardware costs, firmware complexity, size, and power consumption while providing a set of features that cater specifically to the embedded market's requirements.

In certain real-life scenarios, embedded systems must execute a series of tasks within a short, measurable, and predictable timeframe. These systems, known as real-time systems, differ from the multi-task computing approach commonly used in desktops, servers, and mobile phones.

Common Design Requirements

  • Reliability

    Embedded systems, reliable embedded systems, dependable embedded systems.

  • Real-Time Performance

    Real-time embedded systems, deterministic embedded systems, timely processing, time-constrained systems.

  • Power Efficiency

    Low-power embedded systems, energy-efficient design, power-constrained systems, battery-powered systems.

  • Size and Weight Constraints

    Compact embedded systems, small form factor design, lightweight embedded systems, miniaturized systems.

  • Security

    Embedded system security, secure design practices, data protection, access control, secure communication.

  • Scalability

    Scalable embedded systems, flexible designs, expandable architectures, adaptable systems.

  • Fault Tolerance

    Fault-tolerant embedded systems, error detection, and recovery, robust design, failure-resilient systems.

  • Environmental Considerations

    Harsh environment embedded systems, ruggedized designs, temperature-resistant systems, vibration-proof systems.

  • Interoperability

    Interoperable embedded systems, communication protocols, interface compatibility, system integration.

  • Cost Optimization

    Cost-effective embedded systems, budget-friendly designs, cost-efficient components, economical solutions.

Criterion Low Medium High
Processor 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit or higher
Memory < 64 KB 64 KB to 1 MB > 1 MB
Development cost < $100,000 $100,000 to $1,000,000 > $1,000,000
Production cost < $10 $10 to $1,000 > $1,000
Number of units < 100 100 to 10,000 > 10,000
Power consumption > 100 mW 10-100 mW < 10 mW
Lifetime Months Years Decades
Reliability May occasionally fail Must work reliably Must be fail-proof
Size and Weight Large and Heavy Moderate Small and Lightweight
Temperature Range Limited Moderate Wide
Environmental Protection Basic Water/Dust Resistant Waterproof/Dustproof
Communication Interfaces Simple Moderate Advanced

Layered Architecture of
Embedded Systems

Embedded systems play a crucial role in various devices and products by seamlessly integrating computer systems to perform specific functions. To gain a comprehensive understanding of embedded systems, it is essential to explore their layered architecture, which comprises three key components: hardware, operating system or device driver, and application.

Layered architecture of an Embedded System
Layered architecture of an Embedded System

The hardware component represents the physical aspect of an embedded system. It encompasses crucial elements such as microprocessors, memory, input/output devices, and communication interfaces.

By executing instructions and performing physical tasks, the hardware component ensures the smooth functioning of the system.

The operating system (OS) or device driver layer acts as the software intermediary between the hardware and the application layer. It offers a range of essential services to facilitate the efficient management of hardware resources.

Tasks like memory management, process scheduling, and device communication are handled by the operating system or device driver. Depending on the specific requirements, embedded systems may employ either a minimalistic OS or a device driver for direct hardware interfacing.

At the topmost layer lies the application component, responsible for executing the specialized function required by the embedded system.

Typically written in high-level programming languages such as C or Python, the application layer utilizes the services provided by the underlying operating system or device driver to fulfill its designated purpose.

Design and Development of Embedded Systems

Before embarking on the design and development process, it's crucial to identify the exact requirements of the system.

Key Steps in Design and Development

  • Requirement Analysis

    Understanding and documenting system requirements.

  • System Architecture

    Planning the hardware and software components.

  • Prototyping

    Creating a working model of the system.

  • Integration

    Combining all elements to work in unison.

  • Testing

    Verifying and validating system functionality.

Analysis of Embedded Systems

Analyzing an embedded system involves checking for speed, memory usage, power consumption, and overall system reliability.

Tools for Analysis

Leveraging tools like logic analyzers, oscilloscopes, and simulators can provide insightful data about system performance

Optimization Techniques for Embedded Systems

Optimizing embedded systems can lead to better performance, longer battery life, and enhanced reliability.

Key Optimization Strategies

  • Code Optimization

    Refactoring code to be more efficient and resource-friendly.

  • Hardware-Software Co-Design

    Integrating hardware and software design processes for better performance.

  • Power Management

    Implementing sleep modes and dynamic voltage scaling.

  • Memory Management

    Efficiently utilizing cache and minimizing memory leaks.



Basic Electronics

Learning about basic electronics and creating your own projects is a lot easier than you may think. In this tutorial, we're going to give you a brief overview of common electronic components and explain what their functions are. You will then learn about schematic diagrams and how they are used to design and build circuits. And finally, you will put this information to use by creating your first basic circuit.


Embedded Systems Software

The term embedded systems are used to indicate a class of systems running on microcontroller-based hardware architecture, offering constrained resources but allowing to build of real-time systems, through features provided by the hardware architecture to implement system programming.

Embedded System Hardware

The architecture of an embedded system is centered around its microcontroller, also sometimes referred to as the microcontroller unit (MCU), typically a single integrated circuit containing the processor, RAM, flash memory, serial receivers, and transmitters, and other core components. The market offers many different choices among architectures, vendors, price ranges, features, and integrated resources. These are typically designed to be inexpensive, low-resource, low-energy consuming, self-contained systems on a single integrated circuit, which is the reason why they are often referred to as System-on-Chip (SoC).
